Giveaway Stake

Unlock Potential Growth with Investments in New Crypto Projects (Launchpad, ICO, Airdrop).

Give Priority to Investing in New Crypto Projects through ICOs, Launchpads, and Exchange-backed Launch Offers.
Launchpad Type It
Airdrop THING token
Airdrop CVT token
Launchpad BIP1
Airdrop token HYPC
Airdrop token ZIX
Airdrop token STN
Airdrop Token FUN
Airdrop projet Degis

Stake and returns your cryptocurrencies for investments.

Explore Staking Returns on Top Crypto Platforms to Maximize Your Investments.
Giveawaystake features 692 staking opportunities for 371 Coins offered by 10 crypto asset platforms.

Staking with the most attractive yields.

New staking offerings

To estimate an annual, monthly, weekly, and daily return

Example result:
By staking 5000 tokens at an annual rate of 40%, you will generate 2000.00 tokens per year.
The monthly rate is 3.33%, generating a yield of 166.67 tokens per month.
The weekly rate is 0.77%, generating a yield of 38.36 tokens per week.
The daily rate is 0.11%, generating a yield of 5.48 tokens per day.

Staking Frequently Asked Questions

Staking is a process of validating transactions on a blockchain network. Participants who engage in staking are called "stakers" or "nodes," and they are rewarded for their participation in validating transactions on the network. This reward is often in the form of newly issued cryptocurrencies.
Staking works by requiring participants to hold a certain amount of cryptocurrencies in their wallet. These cryptocurrencies are then pledged as a "stake" to prove their commitment to the network. The nodes are then responsible for validating transactions on the network using their own cryptocurrencies as collateral.
People engage in staking for several reasons. Firstly, it's a way to earn cryptocurrencies without having to buy or mine them. Additionally, the reward rates can be higher than the interest rates offered by traditional banks for similar deposits. Finally, staking can contribute to the security and stability of the network by involving more participants in the transaction validation process.
Like any investment, there are risks associated with staking in cryptocurrency. Firstly, the value of the staked cryptocurrency can fluctuate significantly, which can result in substantial losses for participants. Additionally, there is a risk of fraud or network hacking, which can also lead to significant losses for participants.
To start staking cryptocurrencies, you typically need to have a wallet that is compatible with staking and have a certain amount of cryptocurrencies to stake. It's also important to understand the requirements and risks associated with staking before engaging in this activity. Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets can provide information on available staking options for different cryptocurrencies.
Staking cryptocurrency is a popular way to earn cryptocurrencies without having to buy or mine them. However, it's important to understand the requirements and risks associated with this activity before getting started.
1. Ease of use: Cryptocurrency exchanges often provide a user-friendly and intuitive platform for staking cryptocurrencies. This can make the process easier for new users.

2. Choice of cryptocurrencies: Exchanges often offer a wider selection of cryptocurrencies that can be staked, providing more options for investors.

3. Collective staking: Some exchanges allow for collective staking, which means investors can pool their holdings to reach the minimum amount required for staking. This can make the process more accessible for small investors.

4. Regular rewards: Exchanges often distribute staking rewards regularly and automatically to investors. This can reduce the time and effort required to collect rewards.
1. Risk of losing control over cryptocurrencies: When investors entrust their cryptocurrencies to an exchange for staking, they somewhat lose control over their assets. If the exchange falls victim to fraud or a security breach, investors risk losing their holdings. It's therefore important to pay attention to the choice of exchange and ensure that it has a guarantee fund to address potential difficulties.

2. Potentially lower returns: Exchanges may have fees for setting up staking and may retain a portion of the yield as a result.

3. Lack of flexibility: Exchanges may impose strict conditions for staking cryptocurrencies, including minimum required amounts or asset lock-up periods. This can make staking less flexible for investors.
Staking returns are provided for informational purposes only and have no contractual value. These returns can vary based on the market, user activity, and the policies of different exchanges and cannot be guaranteed by Cryptostack. does not provide investment advice, collect any user information, or deposit any cookies on your machine.
Giveaway Stake